M I C R O    E X P E R T S

Adulting sucks! No one handed us a manual for mastering life.

But some smart cookies cracked the code – we call them micro experts. So we decided it might be good to get better, richer, and smarter by speaking with and showcasing people who geek out on the small stuff.

Sign up & ace your life

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If you've ever wondered about any of the following, you're not alone.

How to maximize credit card points & get free stuff

What should I automate in my day to make more time

How to manage keep up with multiple email IDs

How to stay in touch with friends even if you're busy

How to test a business idea before quitting your job

What to keep in mind when buying your first home

What to consider when picking a school for my kids

According to a 2021 survey of recent US college grads, 81 percent wished they were taught more life skills before they graduated.

Here's how you can be a part of this...


Pick a skill to share

Do your friends ask you about something that you are the expert on? Are you someone who is so passionate about a specific skill that you mastered it? Are you ready to teach it?Tell us about it and we will reach out to you.


Let's talk about it

If you've filled the sign up form - you can expect a follow up email and then a call. We will use 5-10 minutes of the call to record you teaching us your skill.


Share it with everyone

The goal is to keep these conversations casual, informative yet highly actionable. The conversation will be edited into a really short video and shared on this site.

Micro Experts is a Selfish venture